Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Finding your Niche in Social Media with Rachel Masters

In today's Digital world, we are capable of marketing ourselves 24/7 through all these Social Media websites. We can key in on our audience by making it personal through digital interaction on sites like Facebook and Twitter. With a couple taps on a keyboard and a click of a mouse, artists can impact a fan's experience at any moment by sharing with that fan and interacting with that person. However, what's the right platform for you? The problem with today's rapidly evolving technology is keeping up with the trends and staying ahead of them. New social sites seem to pop up each week, and finding and developing a niche in the social online community should be top priority. Rachel Masters has been working with artists for years on utilizing Social Media. She is a Co-Founder at Red Magnet Media, and in this segment, she breaks down a tale of working with John Taylor of Duran Duran to find the proper niche and maximize fan interaction in the Social Media world!