From Agent to Music Publisher to Record Label Exec to Manager, Richard Griffiths has seen and done it all in the Music Business. Dealing with artists his whole life in the Music Industry, he knows a thing or two about what publishing deals look like versus record deals. In England, Richard broke the conventions of what constituted the standard publishing deal, certainly in contrast to how those deals were negotiated in the United States. Richard has also signed countless artists as an A&R. To say Richard is an expert in signing artists would be an understatement. But, publishing deals and record deals are two different ballgames. A record label will have different interests in their artists versus a Music Publishing company. In this segment, Richard talks about where those interests lie and highlights the importance of publishing deals in the modern music world.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Publishing Deals vs. Record Deals with Richard Griffiths
Posted by Entertainment Linx at 9:13 AM