Thursday, May 2, 2013

Step #1 to Build your Marketing Plan: Outline your Plan with Jack Hedges

So, you're looking to record some songs that will be put together for an album. Maybe you've already done that step. What's next? The album release. Is it as simple as just putting it up on iTunes, and throwing your hands up thinking you're done? For some people it is, but that's not a successful path to walk. Entirely too much is left to chance. For anything you are looking to create, you need to keep in mind a marketing strategy. When conceiving an album, you need to also be thinking about your marketing plan at the same time. Sounds like it could be overwhelming, but to keep up with the Music Business, it's what you have to do. No one will wait for you, but we are happy to give you some help in this department. Meet Jack Hedges, Director of Marketing for Canvasback Music! Jack kindly offers his expertise in constructing a Marketing Plan for artists with various aspirations, experiences levels, and resources. His strategy is scalable, meaning it can apply to the D-I-Y artists and those working with major Record Labels. This is just Step #1 - how to outline your plan and find what works for you. Over the following weeks, we will delve into each segment in detail and present strategies in each way you can market your record release!